Drupa Centre > Open Call - corposensibile > Entro 15/04/2024


corposensibile is an International Screendance Contest and Festival. It'll take place in Basalghelle - Treviso, 8th June - and is organized by Drupa Centre.

The aim of corposensibile is to promote screendance in Italy through a competition and a festival. You'll see films from all over the world and talk with dancers, choreographers, directors, video-makers and artists.

corposensibile wants to become a point of reference for Italian artists and not only, a festival in which to deepen the screendance and the related arts.

More than a mere event, corposensibile aspires to evolve into a pivotal gathering for artists. It envisions itself as a festival that not only celebrates screendance but also serves as a nucleus for the exploration and appreciation of the interconnected arts. In fostering a space for dialogue and learning, corposensibile aims to establish itself as a distinguished point of reference for those passionate about of screendance and its associated arts.

  • Films & Terms:
  • - Films have not a maximum length;
  • - Films can be exclusively submitted by using FilmFreeway;
  • - In no case the registration fee can be paid back; it has to be considered a contribution to Associazione Drupa Centre for the realization of the event;
  • - Films’ selection is curated by the festival artistic direction; the notification of selection has to remain confidential until the announcement of the programme;
  • - Once selected, films cannot be withdrawn from the festival;
  • - Some frames of the selected films might be used for promotional purposes of the festival;
  • - The selected films join the archive of Corposensibile; they are not commercially exploited to protect the interests of the authors and of the production. The organisers commit themselves to use the films only for cultural purposes;
  • - The festival’s direction reserves the right to include other special mentions to films that can be considered significant for artistic values;
  • - The participation to the festival implies the total acceptance of the present regulation. The artistic direction has the final judgement on controversial cases.

  • The festival's artistic direction meticulously curates the selection of films. Prizes include:
  • - First Prize: Opportunity for a one-week art residency at Drupa Centre with fees covered;
  • - Second Prize;
  • - Third Prize.
  • All directors of the selected films will receive invitations to the screening evening. Selected films also have the chance for additional screenings at partner festivals.
  • All directors of the selected films will be invited to the screening evening. They will be hosted at Drupa Centre and they will be invited to participate in activities and meetings together with the other directors.

Click here to submit your film.

For further information, contact info@drupacentre.com or visit the website.

Parole chiave : call - festival - concorso - audiovisivo - film
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