Medici Archive Project > Fellowships > Entro 15/06/2024


MAP provides fellowships for graduate and pre- doctoral students to join MAP for a set period of time to undertake specialized research on-site at the Archivio di Stato in Florence.

Since 2013, the Medici Archive Project has supported graduate fellows working at the archive. With the generous support of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust and the Eva Schler Fund, MAP has assisted doctoral students at every stage of their research: from constructing an interesting and relevant research trajectory in the archives, taking advantage of under-used collections, to seeking out documents to plug holes in a dissertation nearing completion.

Time at the Medici Archive Project offices at the Archivio di Stato offers Fellows various opportunities for professional developments. Of particular note is the potential for establishing important contacts in their fields of interest. Fellows will have numerous opportunities to meet and work with the many international senior scholars who gravitate around MAP.

Fellows have ample time to conduct research for their dissertations and benefit from the supervision of MAP Staff, all of whom are experts in archives, paleography and digital humanities. Our team currently comprises art, military, social and medical historians, all conversant in inter-disciplinary approaches. MAP Staff, with decades of experience assisting graduate students, guide Fellows, not only in their exploration of the Medici Grand Ducal Archives, but also provide them with instruction for using many other archival collections housed in the Archivio di Stato and elsewhere in Florence. In recent years, MAP has supported and promoted the research of graduate fellows through their inclusion in MAP-sponsored panels at international conferences such as the Renaissance Society of America and the Sixteenth Century Society Conference.

With this aim in mind, MAP offers short-term fellowships of around three months to eligible students who demonstrate a need and enthusiasm to engage with archival material in their research. Longer-term fellowships are available as non-stipendiary junior research fellowships.

These calls tend to be made over the winter, with fellowships offered for the spring/summer and fall/winter of the following year.

For further information, contact

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